Speechless Wikia

"I-n-s-Inspirations" is the fourth episode of the first season of Speechless. It was directed by Christine Gernon and written by Seth Kurland. It aired on October 12, 2016.


Exploring the city on their own, J.J. and Kenneth realize strangers see them as inspirational. The two push their luck, receiving free food and admission to baseball games and things soon fall apart. Meanwhile, as the family usually can't do anything without having to worry about wheelchair accessibility, Dylan and Ray convince Maya to take them paintballing while J.J. is out. But can Maya let herself have fun without J.J.?


To be added.


Main Cast[]

Guest Starring []





Speechless Episodes
Season 1
P-i-PilotN-e-New A-i-AideB-o-n-BonfireI-n-s-InspirationsH-a-l-HalloweenD-a-t-e-Date?T-h-a-ThanksgivingR-a-y-c-RaycationS-l-Sled H-o-HockeyC-h-o-ChoirR-o-Road T-r-TripH-e-r-HeroS-i-Sick D-a-DayV-a-l-Valentine's D-a-DayT-h-The C-l-ClubO-s-Oscar P-a-PartyS-u-r-SurpriseD-i-DingC-h-Cheater!R-u-n-RunawayP-r-PromC-a-Camp
Season 2
W-e-We're B-a-Back!F-i-First S-e-Second F-First DayJ-J's D-r-DreamT-r-Training D-a-DayN-i-Nightmares on D-i-Dimeo S-StreetS-h-ShippingB-r-i-British I-n-v-InvasionB-i-Bikini U-n-UniversityS-t-Star W-WarsS-i-Silent NightN-e-New Y-Year's E-EveThe H-u-s-HustleD-i-Dimeo A-c-AcademyE-i-EighteenU-n-Unforgettable P-a-PainOne A-n-Angry M-MayaA-c-ActionN-o-Nominee
Season 3
L-o-n-London: Part 1L-o-n-London: Part 2I-n-Into the W-o-WoodsN-e-New JJS-t-Stage MomC-e-Celebrity S-u-SuiteF-o-Follow T-h-r-ThroughJ-i-Jingle T-h-ThonJ-a-Javier's P-a-PantsR-o-Roll M-o-ModelH-Hey, YouO-Our M-a-g-MageddonF-a-Fashion 4 A-AllJ-i-Jimmy V-a-l-ValentineG-a-Game N-i-NightW-h-Wheelchair P-l-PlanetS-p-Special B-Boy T-i-TimeS-e-Seoul B-r-BrothersP-r-o-m-p-PromposalOn the R-o-Road A-g-AgainThe S-t-a-StaircaseU-n-r-Unrealistic